Thursday, August 12, 2010

Starting Out

Dear Friends,
This blog is set up so that we can start to share some of what we are learning, discovering, asking with regard to Spiritual Direction.  Do not be intimidated by this artful way of communicating.  Enjoy the process, and let us know what you are thinking, feeling, wondering.

Every experience, every thought, every word, every person in your life is a part of a larger picture of your growth. That’s why I call them crumbs. They are not the whole loaf, but they can be nourishing if you give them your real presence. - Macrina Wiederkehr, from her book A Tree Full of Angels


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm here...and I used a nine letter password! Am excited to see how this means might help encourage well as help expand my understanding of the computer!

  3. Hi friends,
    I am just getting on board here (nice boat picture, by the way!).
